Production Title:


Production Location:

Dallas / Fort Worth

Production Type:

Short Film


Demetria Glover


Demetria Glover


Demetria Glover

Other Cast & Crew:

Gail Cronauer, Abbey Killin, Marcus Coronado, Erick Sandoval


Dallas FilmMaker’s Alliance Flash Film


Military widow, Kathy Donnovan, is living in a constant state of shock. She relives the loss of her husband daily. She wakes up every morning to the sound of echoing gunshots. Haunting screams fill her mind at the grocery store, in the shower, while she cooks and even when prays. There is no escape. Kathy relocates to Irving, Texas from Fort Hood Army Base in Killeen, Texas. Still, there is no escaping the sounds, the images, the terror. Kathy becomes more and more afraid to leave her home, but she does. Her husband, the fallen war hero, has invaded this home too. If he had died in the war, maybe she could accept his death, but he returned safely from Iraq and chose to die his own way—taking more than his own life, but hers and theirs too… Kathy is traumatized and hopeless, until Dr. Tina Mason, her psychiatrist and only confidant, helps her to slowly rebuild her life. Kathy risks having a new-found hope until an unfathomable betrayal forces her to do the unimaginable.

Crew Positions Needed:

Experienced editor(s) needed to volunteer in exchange for additional experience and film credit.



Contact Email:

Instructions for candidates:

Contact me (director) at for details about your editing experience and scheduling a meeting. My schedule is flexible on most days. Thank you.