Production Title:
Announcements for Dallas Filmmaker’s Alliance


Production Location:


Production Type:
Live Social Media Video 1-5 minutes


Production Dates:
Every Monday – Ongoing


Chad Pursley


We are looking for volunteers to spread the word about upcoming events. 

Ideally each person will make the announcements just one time, so that a large variety of people are making announcements on behalf of the community. 

We would agree on a date, and I will send you some talking points about upcoming events, but look for you to add your own spin on it. 

The Video is live and may be seen by our 3,000 facebook followers, 

Approximate script will be:

“Hi this is ______, I am a _____. Next, your announcements on behalf of the Dallas FilmMaker’s Alliance.”

If you have a public facing social media you can link it in the comments.  




Instructions for candidates:
Send me an e-mail letting me know that you are interested in helping., we can have a quick call. 

Also, we want to have a wide variety of presenters, so each person only need volunteer for one day.