Starling Films in association with Push You Productions are casting for the short film Harvest. Filming will take place in the Dallas/Ft. Worth Area in December. If you are interested in auditioning for this film please submit Headshot and resume to

Auditions will be held this Sunday, October 28 12-4pm in Dallas. If you are unable to attend in person auditions please submit a 1-2 minute monologue no later than October 28th.


Scott Weinsfield– Caucasian-Mid-late forties- Tech millionaire who will do anything to save his company.

Lacy Weinsfield– Caucasian Late forties- Wealthy from birth and ruthless to who ever gets in her way.

Walter: Caucasian- Late Fifties- Scott’s friend- pompous successful business man

John: Caucasian- Late Fifties- Scott’s Friend- Investor with worldwide connections

Maid– Early 20s- African Decent

Kamal- African American late teens- High school honor student and athlete.

Leah– African American- Kamal’s mother- Early 40s

Donnie– African American- African American- Kamal’s Father- Early 40s

Max– Organ Hustler- Sophisticated yet rugged, intelligent and street smart that money drives all his motivation.

Receptionist- Open

Janitor– Early fifties

News Anchor– Hispanic woman early twenties

Guy– African American- Mortician

This is an unpaid opportunity but IMDB credit and digital copy of the film will be given to all actors.
