Production Title:

Love and Zombies

Production Location:

North DFW

Production Type:


Production Start Date:


Production Wrap Date:



Matt Dennis, Michael Cavataio, Devin Overman, Jay Douglas


Matt Dennis, Devin Overman, Jay Douglas


Jay Douglas


Not part of a Dallas Filmmakers Alliance competition or event


“Love and Zombies” follows the unexpected romance between Jason, a nerdy and anxious man, and Lucy, a tough and resourceful woman, as they navigate a series of adventurous and heartfelt encounters amidst a zombie outbreak. Their journey from a bustling grocery store to a deserted amusement park, a tense mini-golf course, and finally a lively karaoke bar, tests their resilience and deepens their bond.

Cast Needed:


Age: Late 20s to early 30s

Description: Nerdy, anxious, and kind-hearted. Wears glasses. Jason is a lovable underdog who often finds himself out of his comfort zone. Despite his nervous demeanor, he shows surprising courage and determination when it matters most.

Personality Traits: Nervous, determined, kind, intelligent, awkwardly charming.

Skills: Strong comedic timing, ability to convey vulnerability and warmth, physical comedy.


Age: Late 20s to early 30s

Description: Tough, resourceful, and confident. Lucy exudes a commanding presence and is quick to take charge in stressful situations. Beneath her tough exterior, she has a nurturing side, especially towards Jason.

Personality Traits: Confident, resourceful, strong, protective, warm-hearted.

Skills: Strong presence, dramatic and comedic range, comfortable with action scenes, physical strength.


Age: 40s to 50s

Description: Grumpy and irritable, Karen dislikes anyone who gets in her way. She often expresses her frustration loudly, but occasionally reveals a softer side, particularly in moments of vulnerability.

Personality Traits: Irritable, outspoken, impatient, secretly caring.

Skills: Strong character acting, sharp, humorous dialogue delivery.


Age: Late 20s to early 30s

Description: A scaredy-cat who jumps at the slightest noise. Gerald is easily frightened but loyal and follows the group for safety. His exaggerated reactions often provide comic relief.

Personality Traits: Timid, loyal, easily scared, endearing.

Skills: Strong comedic acting, physical comedy, exaggerated emotional responses.


Age: Late 20s to early 30s

Description: Sarcastic and quick-witted, Melissa can’t resist making snarky comments, even in dire situations. Her humor often serves as a defense mechanism to mask her own fears.

Personality Traits: Sarcastic, witty, humorous, secretly vulnerable.

Skills: Excellent comedic timing and delivery, ability to convey sarcasm and underlying vulnerability.


Age: 30s to 40s

Description: Enthusiastic but tone-deaf karaoke enthusiast. Edward is overly confident in his singing abilities, which adds to his charm and comedic presence.

Personality Traits: Enthusiastic, overly confident, charismatic, unintentionally funny.

Skills: Comedic karaoke performance, ability to intentionally sing off-key while maintaining enthusiasm.

Supporting Roles:

Various Shoppers

Description: Male and Female, all ages. Portray shoppers in the grocery store scene. Must be able to convey panic and urgency.

Skills: Ability to perform under pressure, convey a sense of chaos and urgency.

Karaoke Bar Patrons

Description: Male and Female, all ages. Energetic and lively, they react to the events unfolding at the bar, including Jason’s proposal.

Skills: Reacting authentically to scenes, creating a lively and energetic atmosphere.

Other Crew Positions: All positions.



If non-paid, we will provide meals, snacks or beverages for cast and crew




Contact Email:

Instructions for candidates:

Headshot and Resume: Please email a current headshot and resume with your contact information.

Sides: The sides for the audition scenes will be provided by email.

Attire: Wear comfortable clothing suitable for movement. Casual attire that reflects the character’s everyday life is recommended.

Time: Arrive 15 minutes before your scheduled audition time for check-in and preparation.


For any questions or to schedule an audition, please contact Jay Douglas at