Production Title:

Coffee Connections

Production Location:

North DFW

Production Type:


Production Start Date:


Production Wrap Date:



Matt Dennis, Michael Cavataio, Devin Overman, Jay Douglas


Matt Dennis, Devin Overman, Jay Douglas


Jay Douglas


Not part of a Dallas Filmmakers Alliance competition or event


“Coffee Connections” is a heartwarming romantic drama set in a bustling cafe. Dave, a man in his 30s, enters a cafe and is instantly smitten with May, a young and efficient barista in her 20s. Despite a rocky start marked by a spilled iced latte, their connection grows as they bond over their shared love for dogs and a series of endearing encounters. Their relationship blossoms, leading to a romantic proposal back at the cafe where it all began, echoing their initial mishap with another spilled coffee but sealing their love story with a promise of marriage.


Dave (30s): A somewhat awkward yet endearing man who is immediately captivated by May. He is persistent, genuine, and has a good sense of humor, especially when handling mishaps. His nervousness in the beginning gives way to a warm and confident demeanor as his relationship with May progresses.

May (20s): An efficient and warm barista who handles her job with a cheerful disposition. She is kind, approachable, and shares a love for dogs. Though initially focused on her work, she becomes more open and affectionate as she gets to know Dave, leading to a deep and loving connection.

Waiter: A minor character who serves Dave and May at a restaurant. Their interactions with the waiter highlight the growing intimacy between Dave and May.

May’s Niece: Another minor character who appears during a family scene, showcasing May’s nurturing and playful side, and further deepening Dave’s affection for her.

May’s Former Coworker: A character seen briefly at the cafe during the proposal scene, representing May’s past and the emotional journey she has undergone.

Crew Roles:

All Positions

Open Audition:

7/5/2024 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM






Headshot and Resume: Please email a current headshot and resume with your contact information.

Sides: The sides for the audition scenes will be provided by email.

Attire: Wear comfortable clothing suitable for movement. Casual attire that reflects the character’s everyday life is recommended.

Time: Arrive 15 minutes before your scheduled audition time for check-in and preparation.


For any questions or to schedule an audition, please contact Jay Douglas at